
On a planet with finite resources there should be no such thing as waste. Each person in the UK generates about 500kg of waste per year. Although official figures indicate that nearly 45% of this is ‘recycled’ in reality this is not strictly true as much is ‘recycled’ into materials of lower quality or incinerated to produce energy and thus carbon dioxide, which is therefore not truly sustainable. We need to remember all those other ‘R’s before Recycling such as Rethink, Respect, Reduce, Reuse, Rehome, Repair, Repurpose and Restore!

Repair Cafés

Lindfield Repair Café – United Reform Church, Lindfield, open 10 – 13 on the first Saturday each month.

Chailey Repair Café – St Peter’s Church, Chailey, open 10 – 13 on the second  Saturday each month.
